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calverthehealth基金会年度乳腺癌5K为Sheldon E. Goldberg Center for Breast Care

More than 700 runners, walkers, 10月14日,CalvertHealth举办了第14届年度乳腺癌五公里步行/跑步活动,欢呼的观众和志愿者挤满了所罗门的街道和人行道. 14. 通过赞助商的共同努力, donors and participants, 今年的5K比赛收入超过102美元,000 to benefit the Sheldon E. CalvertHealth的Goldberg乳房护理中心, 现在是杜克健康癌症护理的附属机构. 这种关系为该地区的患者提供了获得癌症研究的途径, 治疗进展和临床试验只能在国内最好的癌症医院进行.

calverthehealth基金会理事兼5K委员会主席Barry Friedman说, “The 5K is more than just a race, 这对所有参与者来说都是一次鼓舞人心的经历. 它传播了一种难以置信的希望感,并展示了我们在马里兰州南部拥有一个多么令人惊叹的社区.他接着说,“这是我们社区精神最闪耀的时刻。.” For some, 这是他们支持一项伟大事业的一种方式, but for others, the event has a much deeper meaning. 许多人来这里是为了支持一位母亲,纪念一位朋友,为一位幸存者庆祝,或者向一位所爱的人致敬.

Friedman said since its inception, 乳腺癌5000募捐活动已经筹集了500多美元,以支持谢尔登E. Goldberg Center for Breast Care. 这些资金有助于进一步实现该中心的使命,即为马里兰州南部的男女提供经验丰富的乳房健康专家团队和当今最先进的技术.

calverthehealth基金会董事会主席丹尼斯·鲍曼分享了她自己与乳腺癌的经历. “我们说我们地区的癌症发病率更高,我就是其中之一. 我在55岁时被诊断出患有三阴性乳腺癌. 但我真的相信CalvertHealth和它的癌症治疗项目可以为我们所有人创造幸存者. I don't think of the diagnosis. I don't think of the treatment. I think about being a survivor. 我想的是能够继续过我的生活.鲍曼鼓励所有女性每年做一次乳房x光检查, 承认早期发现是有帮助的, in fact, save lives.

总排名第一的是卡洛斯·威廉姆森, 16, 时间是17:52,除了感谢所有参与者和捐助者的支持之外, on behalf of the 5K Committee, 弗里德曼还特别感谢了所有5K的赞助商, including Associates in Radiation Medicine; American Radiology Services; Asbury Solomons; Calvert Internal Medicine Group; City National Bank; Sneade's Ace Home Center; COA Barrett, LLC; College of Southern Maryland Alumni Association; Dickinson Jewelers; Dunkirk Vision; 231 Farm & Outdoor Sports; A&W Insurance Services, Inc.; Cedar Point Federal Credit Union; Comfort Keepers; Dr. Ramona E. Crowley, in Memory of Dr. Sheldon E. Goldberg; Empire Graphics; Garner Exteriors, Idea Solutions, Mr. Frank and Mrs. Linda Smith; McKinstry Consulting; Parraid, LLC.; Sam Barbieri Webster Group with RE/MAX United Real Estate; Spalding Consulting, Inc.; The Groat Family; A.H. Hatcher; Dixie Miller and Jim Ritter, In Memory of Jay Sorkin and Betty Ritter; KAIROS, Inc.; RE/MAX One and SMX Tech.


First place overall women’s winner, Madison McCurry, 以19:50的成绩结束,CalvertHealth基金会董事会成员Barry Friedman和CalvertHealth总裁兼首席执行官Jeremy Bradford表示祝贺.

Residents of Asbury Solomons, 显示他们对CalvertHealth 5K的持续支持,已经筹集了超过2美元,000 for the Sheldon E. 戈德堡乳房中心登记了XX位居民参加今年的步行活动.

This record has been viewed 780 times.


David Marsh
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Great Post! calverthehealth基金会年度乳腺癌五千米长跑成功为Sheldon E. 戈德堡乳房护理中心是一个温暖人心的例子,表明社区推动的倡议可以在抗击乳腺癌方面产生积极影响. 它不仅提供了急需的资金支持,还提高了人们的认识, empowers survivors, 并在与这种疾病的斗争中培养一种团结的感觉.

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